Menopause Male Frettinginclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Supplements Mangosteen Can Help Fight Free Radicals In The Body Making Vitamins Plain And Simple Moringa Leaf Powder - The Worlds Greatest Unknown Supplement Multivitamins For Your Child include "../leftad.php" ?> | Menopause (definition): The almost inevitable fretting by husbands whereby they first anticipate (sometimes is sheer terror), the looming specter of being "outside the affections of the marital bedroom" looking in… Let's concede the obvious. Menopause affects sex…can affect marriage. That concern is as old as civilization. Even Roman husbands dreaded the onset of this problem associated with menopause. What was it they said? include "../middlead.php" ?> "Hic astabo tantisper cum hac forma et factis frustra?" (Rough translation: "Am I to stand idle and unnoticed, so handsome and so heroic, all for nothing?"). Menopause does evoke theatrics in men at times. Of course, menopause is really a condition which develops in women usually between the ages of 45- 50. Menopause occurs when an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone causes symptoms such as: " the uncomfortable hot flashes, " vaginal dryness, " osteoporosis (reduction in bone density), " loss of sex drive, and " Fibrocystic breasts. There's certainly much more to menopause than that of sexual relations between husband and wife. Incidentally, the loss of sex drive occurs in menopause when the hypothalamus (an endocrine gland) lessens sex drive due to reduction in the production of progesterone. Menopause: normal or abnormal condition? Progesterone deficiency simply doesn't exist in many cultures around the world. As a result, menopause is practically unknown among such people. Why? The diets in those cultures are rich in certain nutrients found in fresh vegetables and legumes. Those nutrients are called natural Phytosterols. Foods which are rich with such natural Phytosterols keep the body's progesterone capacity at the necessary levels. Menopause doesn't develop in these women. They show no symptoms of menopause. They do have strong sex drives, strong bones, no hot flashes…forcing the men to fret about other things besides menopause. Progestins and Menopause Of course, when we have a medical problem, it seems we immediately turn to some sort of drug to "fix it." Progestins are substances which are made to act like progesterone. So… voila! The problems of menopause are expected to disappear. Anyone with a prescription of progestins to help them with the symptoms of menopause knows that "it just ain't so." Progestins do not provide all of the same effects as progesterone and there is a substantial body of research concerned with their side effects. Yes, some relief from menopause may take place but the side effects can be considerable. I know, I know. "Nulla tam bona est fortuna de qua nihil possis queri." ("No luck is that good that you can't find something to complain about."). Well, if you are looking for relief from menopause and tempted to take prescriptions, consider the side effects of progestins: " Acne " Weight fluctuations " Jaundice " Depression " Insomnia " Nausea " Breast tenderness " Fluid retention " Bleeding Menopause and DHEA Because the "mother hormone" - DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - is used by our bodies to produce as many as 50 other hormones, many use it to help regulate the estrogen - progesterone imbalance and to maintain good health. Again, we have a problem like menopause, so we jump at the chance for a prescription. But, synthetic DHEA can result in liver damage. On the other hand, almost all of the degenerative diseases out there, are accompanied by low DHEA levels. Synthetic DHEA supplementation creates an imbalance with substances produced by our body, such as cortisol. That imbalance creates further problems- such as low energy, Thyroid dysfunction, decreased immune function (see immune system at, compromised sleeping habits, Muscular dysfunction and many other issues and complications. Wouldn't it be better to simply take foods -or natural supplements - which contain Phytosterols to deal with menopause? Menopause can be prevented or mitigated by the progesterone produced from natural Phytosterols. Why go to drugs for relief? DHEA can be regulated by the progesterone produced by Phytosterols. Why, I say, do we run for drugs as our only choice? Incidentally, Phytosterols can aid in other conditions besides relief of menopause and its symptoms: 1. Fat loss (Are you beginning to understand why dieting often doesn't work?) 2. Breast Cancer involves low levels of DHEA. Phytosterols help the body handle that issue and in turn, aids in combating breast cancer. In fact, one study showed that of 5,186 women who developed breast cancer, all of them - 100%! - had a dramatic fall in their DHEA levels up to 9 years earlier (R.D. Bulbrook, J.L. Hayward, C.C. Speir, "Relations Between Urinary Androgen and Corticoid Eccretion and Subsequent Breast Cancer." Lancet. 2:395-398.) 1971. 3. PMS along with menopause (See my article on PMS and Phytosterols). 4. Depression 5. Diabetes (for help with diabetes see my articles "Diabetes: The $132 Billion Dollar Pandemic" and "Diabetes: "So Far, So Good…") 5. Stress 6. Prostate 7. Obesity 8. Arthritis 9. Many other diseases and conditions. Phytosterols is a natural food substance which translates into hormonal action in the body. It is safe and it is almost a "menopause prevention program" by itself… Women need it for menopause. Persons using phytosterols don't have to worry about side effects as they would with progestins and synthetic DHEA. However, as with any treatment, you should consult a health care professional, if you have concerns. Perhaps a new "definition" for menopause can begin to emerge. Yes, let's try that. Menopause (New Definition): Menopause is no longer the disruption of the marital bedroom. Rather, it is replaced by the almost inevitable glee experienced by husbands whereby they (sometimes quite "boyishly") anticipate the constancy of your doting attentiveness lavished upon them as they stand before you "idle and noticed, so handsome and so heroic. " Are you thrilled girls? Finis (I'm done.) |