Four Things About Eniva Vibe You Should Knowinclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Supplements For Lasting Vision And Healthy Eyes Five Things Anyone Can Do To Stay Healthy General Information About Vitamins Ginseng Is It Really Beneficial Or An Asian Myth include "../leftad.php" ?> | 1. All-In-One Nutritional Supplement As you age, the body replaces cells in your organs and tissues. Why, then, are they often not as good as when you were younger? One of the primary answers is STRESS. Bodily stress is caused by many things—mental strain, physical exertion, environmental toxins like cigarette smoke and pesticides, even poor diets! Stress can be dangerous because damaging molecules called FREE RADICALS are generated. Free radicals are harmful scavengers created INSIDE your body that cause tremendous harm and accelerate the signs of aging—disrupting body systems, destroying cell membranes, mutating cells, even reprogramming your body’s DNA! However, ANTIOXIDANTS are nature’s way of fighting harmful free radical scavengers. include "../middlead.php" ?> Antioxidants convert free radicals into HARMLESS elements and neutralize their damaging effects. VIBE’s ANTIOX2™ blend is a comprehensive formula of MULTIPLE antioxidant-rich nutrients. It has the highest certified antioxidant potency of any supplement in liquid formulation. VIBE’s ANTIOX2™ helps the body neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals to effectively combat the aging process.* * Powerful antioxidant capability* * Helps the body counteract dangerous free radicals responsible for aging* * Nourishes healthy skin and hair* * Promotes energy and stamina* * Helps the body neutralize harmful environmental toxins* Combining multiple and specific anti-aging nutrients, just like adding ingredients to a gourmet meal, requires correct amounts, balanced ratios, and the right mixing techniques. If any one component is out of balance, just like in making a gourmet meal, the end result is Disappointing. That is why no other company has been able to perfect a comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE anti-aging supplement. Most companies focus either on one primary ingredient and promote the benefits of that ONE ingredient as a total health answer, OR combine very, very small (and ineffective) amounts of many ingredients to make the label ”look“ good. The end result is a product that delivers very little nutritional benefit. 2. Product For Our Times The development of VIBE™ has been years in the making. The pioneer of water-soluble nutrient delivery technology - the Eniva Corporation - offers VIBE as the benchmark by which other liquid nutritional supplements are measured. The success of the company's line of potent, water-soluble nutrients has helped millions of people and has laid the foundation for the development of VIBE. Eniva's VIBE is different - more scientifically advanced as compared to other multi-nutrient supplements on the market today. a. Facts with Integrity Interpreting the labels of some multi-nutrient products is like trying to read a foreign language… you're just not sure what they're saying. Some companies do not even know the amounts of some ingredients in their products - they say "it varies from one batch to another" or "there is really no way to know the true amounts." At Eniva, not only do they verify raw material sourcing and have a government inspected manufacturing facility, they provide a detailed listing of the consistent ingredients and their amounts in each VIBE bottle. b. Scientific Balance Eniva devotes a tremendous amount of research and development effort to its products. Ironically, the science of correct nutrient ratios and interactions is often overlooked by most nutritional manufacturers. At Eniva, the laws of chemistry and body balance have been respected. No ingredient is sourced, or technical process explored unless it is grounded in qualified, scientific principles. Volumes of research documents, clinical studies, and test results are reviewed by Eniva's R&D Team as new technologies are explored. VIBE truly incorporates the best of both science and nature. c. Unique Ingredients VIBE contains high-dose Green Tea and Aloe Vera Gel in each serving. These unique ingredients possess a multitude of health benefits well known to the scientific community.* d. High ORAC Score Short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC is an analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other substances. It indicates the amount of dangerous free radicals an antioxidant can "absorb" or neutralize. Scientific findings from the USDA suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables may help slow the aging process in the body and brain. Eniva's VIBE has one of the highest ORAC scores on the market derived from natural fruits, vegetables, and botanical sources. e. Class 10,000 Production VIBE is formulated and produced within a Class 10,000 Clean Room Manufacturing Facility. This is the same type of environment where heart pacemakers and super-computer chips are manufactured. Eniva has complete control over environmental factors such as air quality, temperature, pressure, and other variables. VIBE goes through strict process controls and inspections to ensure both safety and efficacy. 3. Pioneering Breakthroughs in Anti-Aging Science Did you know the aging process can actually be accelerated by nutritional deficiency, stress, and environmental factors? The good news is scientific study has shown you can slow the biological aging process! And in many cases, even reverse symptoms of aging by: a. Meeting your body’s nutritional needs. b. Neutralizing the effects of stress and free radicals. c. Strengthening your body’s immune system. d. Targeting health risks with specialized nutrients. It takes the entire combination of ALL these factors to effectively help your body manage and slow the aging process. No ONE special ingredient or ancient berry answers all your body’s complex needs. Just as a song requires more than one note to become a beautiful melody, your body needs to address ALL aspects of the aging process to restore its natural vigor and brilliance. Never before has the ability to successfully address ALL factors of the aging process in ONE nutritional supplement been available. Most supplements are only able to address one, maybe even two factors, but with VIBE™ there is now an ALL-IN-ONE answer for the ENTIRE aging process. VIBE™ delivers the most recognized breakthroughs in anti-aging technology WITH the addition of specialized nutrients. VIBE™ is a comprehensive, 100% natural formulation able to address modern health concerns while providing the best of anti-aging science. Discover VIBE™ and re-discover your body’s natural vigor and brilliance… for the rest of your life. Eniva Corporation is the FIRST company in the world to perfect a true ALL-IN-ONE nutritional supplement addressing ALL aspects of the aging process. It’s called VIBE™ and comes to you with a commitment of safety, quality, and effectiveness. 4. Eniva Corporation On May 1, 1998, a group of entrepreneurs from Minneapolis, Minnesota, founded Eniva with the vision of creating a company that delivered value-based success in the network marketing industry. If the past is any indicator, Eniva is certainly on track. Eniva is a debt-free company doing in excess of $10 million in annual sales with more than 100,000 Members across the country. Eniva’s product line is manufactured in-house, allowing complete control over materials, quality, and margins. Eniva's corporate office is a beautiful, 40,000 square-foot facility that currently houses a Class 10,000 R&D laboratory and FDA/Dept. of Ag.-inspected manufacturing facility. More than 50 employees support operations at the Home Office. The foundation upon which Eniva stands today is indeed solid. Fundamental to Eniva's success is the fact it manufactures 99% of the products it distributes. This allows for complete control of sourcing, product integrity, and margins. This aspect of control, facilitated by their USDA certified manufacturing facility and Class 10,000 Research & Development laboratory, no only allows for significant manufacturing capability, but also the development of new breakthrough technologies to fuel Eniva's ever-growing product line. - USDA certified manufacturing facility - Class 10,000 Research & Development Laboratory - Specialized air and water purification systems - In-house and independent lab testing confirm the contents of each Eniva product - Dynamic and innovative Research & Development Team More Information Visit: Eniva VIBE | Work From Home * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing. |