Advanced Nutritional Products - What Are Theyinclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Supplements About Vitamin C - The Wonder Vitamin About Vitamins - Everything You Need To Know Antioxidante Free Radicals And Sports Nutrition Antioxidant Supplement include "../leftad.php" ?> | Advanced nutritional products are substances that have been shown by clinical studies to provide important health benefits. Advanced nutritional products that support the health of the heart, eyes, brain, immune system, joints and so on are being proven by studies on an ongoing basis. We are living longer, and we want those extra years to be active ones full of optimism, energy and health. The foundation for good health is a lifestyle that includes a sensible diet with nutritional supplements, sufficient quality sleep, reasonable exercise and weight management. Taking high-quality, anti-aging advanced nutritional products helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. The essential nutrients that your body needs are extensive and complex. Vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. Other nutrients that provide significant anti-aging benefits are the key to improved energy, better health and freedom from disease. Here are examples of advanced nutritional products: include "../middlead.php" ?> • Resveratrol - this phytonutrient is an antioxidant found in the skins of red grapes, in red wine, red grape juice and mulberries. Studies suggest that it is an effective antioxidant that reduces mortality in cardiovascular diseases and cancer, that it inhibits the replication of herpes simplex virus, may be beneficial in atherosclerosis, may be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels, increasing HDL cholesterol levels, preventing damage to blood vessels and as alleviation of menopausal symptoms. • Quercetin - is a bioflavanoid and one of the advanced nutritional products that supports the immune system, connective tissue and blood vessels. • Alpha Lipoic Acid - this antioxidant (ALA) enhances effects of other antioxidants to fight free radicals in the body and enhance recovery. May enhance insulin sensitivity, improving the body's ability to add lean mass and reduce fat. May be beneficial in persons suffering from type II diabetes and hyperglycemia. • Acetyl-L-Carnitine - occurs naturally in the body and is one of the advanced nutritional products. It is used for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, age-related memory deficits, senile depression, Down syndrome, alcoholism-related cognitive deficits and after-stroke treatment as it increases cerebral blood flow. • L-Carnosine - may play a role in preventing atherosclerosis, joint inflammation, formation of cataracts, Alzheimer's disease and stroke. • Policosanol - comes from sugar cane and has been studied and published in over 80 clinical studies, more studies than for most prescription drugs. Policosanol significantly lowers total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol without the side affects associated with the statin drugs. • Lutein - is found in leafy dark green vegetables. Studies suggest it may offer protection against cancer and degeneration of the eyes and skin by sunlight. • Zeaxanthin - increasing dietary intake of the advanced nutritional products lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. • DIM 3,3' - diindolylmethane is found in the cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. Diindolylmethane may be used for preventing breast and uterine cancer, preventing benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and for premenstrual syndrome (PMS). • Turmeric - is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb used for bronchitis, colds, chest infections, leprosy, fever, kidney inflammation and cystitis. And there are more! Is it possible that advanced nutritional products can slow the aging process? Absolutely! Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still discovering the health benefits of many of these nutrients. Slowing the aging process includes providing your body ALL the nutrients it requires. You can try to design your own supplement plan and take many different supplements individually. However, designing your own supplement program is not the best way since this means taking many different substances and will not provide the best results. When trying to design your own supplement plan, it's easy to end up with a dozen or more individual substances to take daily, which is both a hassle and expensive. Besides, if certain substances are out of balance, it's possible they can combine to produce other unwanted compounds that can be harmful. There is one manufacturer that combines the advanced nutritional products in one broad high-quality supplement. Nutrient quantities are combined according to the latest research and the individual ingredients are even linked to the relevant clinical studies. Learn as much as you can about what finding the best advanced nutritional products really means. Your health, energy and wellness is the issue. Before spending your money, be informed about the anti-aging products you'll be taking every day. Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing |