Glyconutrition All Eyes On Newtoninclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Nutrition Give Your Immune System A Boost Get Your Nutrition Now Going Flexitarian Where To Begin Goji Berries include "../leftad.php" ?> | Glyconutrition and the silence in Parliament: Sir Isaac Newton is not generally associated with medicine and biology, much less glyconutrition. Newton lived 1642-- 1727, a period now referred to as the Age of Newton. However, you don't get an entire age named after you unless you have done something spectacular…like inventing the calculus…or discovering the law of gravity and the laws of optics. His impact was so enormous, even in his own lifetime, people of all stations in life wanted to get just a glimpse of him…or hear anything he had to say. Problem was, he was very sensitive and shy, so words didn't come easily, ergo, he didn't say much. include "../middlead.php" ?> Except in the lecture hall of the University, where very occasionally he did lecture. (Granted, not on glyconutrition but we haven't gotten there yet). There…he did open his mouth. Imagine, sitting through a lecture of the world's greatest scientist, who didn't know when to stop lecturing on subjects his students couldn't understand. That may be the real origin of the expression, “In every fat book there is a thin book trying to get out.” In any event, because of his enormous popularity as the greatest mathematician and scientist in history, he was elected to the Parliament of England. I guess people just figured if they could get him involved in politics, he might say something which they could go home and quote. So, he sat in Parliament year after year and never uttered a peep. Not a single syllable. At least, not until one day, in the middle of an intensely debated issue in Parliament, Sir Isaac suddenly stood up. Immediately, Parliament was silent as all eyes were upon Sir Newton. Mustering such abilities as he was capable of producing for the drama of the moment, Sir Isaac turned sheepishly and asked that the window be closed because of the draft. Not a particularly moving event. But, it became buzz nonetheless. Glyconutrition: Accessing the nutrients is a key to health. So what does all of this have to do with glyconutrition? Actually, we don't remember Isaac having anything to do with glyconutrition. There's a good reason for that. Medical science still hadn't discovered bacteria under the microscope, let alone the 8 sugars which comprise the key molecules in glyconutrition, observable only under the electron microscope. But, Sir Isaac and the people of “merry ole England” were unconsciously accessing glyconutrition far more readily than we do today…through their diet: · Glyconutrition supplied the essential ingredients of protection for newborns who were breast fed. The sugars involved with glyconutrion are present in surprising quantities for the baby. · Garlic, certain saps and quite a few of the herbs rich in glyconutrition, were part of the diet in merry 'ole England of that day. · England didn't then resort to “green harvests”, processed foods, chemical preservatives which destroy glyconutrition. Indeed, our society depletes the soil, processes food for taste and convenience and introduces toxins that overwhelm our immune system. What little glyconutrition we do get, is simply not enough to do the job. · Instead, glyconutrition was not processed out of the corn, oats, barley, wheat, leeks, carrots, radishes, pears, and red wine of that society. Granted they had other problems (like the Black Death), but not for lack of glyconutrition. · Fruits are loaded with pectins (such as apple pectins) and are instrumental in providing glyconutrition. It is, for that reason, “merry ole England” did not see the huge epidemics in so many categories of diseases as we do today: · Overactive Immune deficiencies include food allergies, pollen and grass allergies, asthma, eczema which result from severe lack of glyconutrition, producing a misguided inflammation. In short, because glyconutrition is lacking, our immune system over reacts to certain foreign substances in our body, which normally it should be able to easily handle. Without glyconutrition in proper supply, asthma and allergies produce exaggerated inflammatory responses. · Underactive immune systems - from lack of glyconutrition - can produce colds and flu, cancers of all types, bronchitis, ear infections, shingles, strep, TB, urinary yeast infection, hepatitis B and C, sinusitis, and Candida. Again, lack of glyconutrition leads to the incapacity of the immune system to regulate itself properly. The 1985 issue of Cancer Research, scientists noted the fact that cancer cells in the stomach and colon were associated with a lack of specific sugars (glyconutrition) or deformed sugar molecules. · Auto-immune disease such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, MS, Psoriasis, and Type I & Type II Diabetes occur when the immune system goes into overdrive attacking healthy cell tissue. Such activity is linked to low levels of specific elements found in glyconutrition. · Inflammatory disorders such as Fibromyalgia, ulcers, heart disease, colitis, are linked to improper levels of glyconutrition in the diet. For example, in the January-March 1998 issue of Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, tested subjects took supplements of Aloe Vera extract (containing glyconutrition compounds -especially, acetylated mannans) and reported significant improvement in the symptoms accompanying Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. (Miracle Sugars, Rita Elkins, M.H. woodland Publishing, p. 33). Glyconutrition: Ho-hum? Most people of his era were amazed at what Isaac Newton produced. They were so spellbound by anything he did, a whole Parliament stopped mid-sentence to hear what he would say next. Today, on the other hand, I am amazed at the fact that glyconutrition holds the answer to so many maladies - perhaps thousands- …and, so few are even aware of the subject. Most doctors don't know about glyconutrion despite the fact that glyconutrition is listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference), the “bible” of the medical world, used by 99% of all doctors. One thing about good old Sir Isaac. When he made a discovery, he knew what he had and he used it, bettering the world in which he lived. An entire generation could see the progress and named an era for him. Will we do the same with glyconutrition…what may be the greatest medical discovery in the medical history of the last century? |