The Taming Of The Shrew Or How To Turn Stubborn Hair Into Sedu Hairstyleinclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Beauty The Sweet Side Of Hair Removal Sugaring The Pros And Cons Of Electrolysis The Top 10 Hair Removal Methods - Which Is Right For You The Top 5 Fragrances And Perfumes Of All Time include "../leftad.php" ?> | Have you ever thought of shaving your head bald? If yes, than you have stubborn or rather uncontrollable hair. Such hair claims you a war every day. It leaves you very little space for creativity and throws you in despair, because you can’t have those sleek, smooth, silky and straight Sedu hairstyles that look so fashionable on your favorite celebrities. But the fact is that it is not as bad as it sounds, because there are plenty of the opportunities to have straight hair that turns so easily into Sedu hairstyles. The most popular ways of hair straightening are chemical straightening and heat straightening. They are rather different as to how the process is performed, but they have the same result: you hair becomes straight and tamed. So, if you are tired of the constant war where the battle filed is your head, then all you need to do is to choose which of these two methods you prefer, apply it, and enjoy your smooth, bright, and silky straight Sedu hairstyle. include "../middlead.php" ?> Chemical straightening Chemical straightening includes applying to your hair chemical substances that both straighten your hair and neutralize the harmful effect of the straighteners. Usually the following substances are applied during chemical straightening: • chemical hair relaxer formula – it cuts the cross-bonds inside each hair and makes the hair straight; • neutralizer – it fixates the effect of the relaxer and restores natural pH; • petroleum cream – it protects your scalp from the influence of the relaxer; • shampoos designed specially for relaxers – they take care of your hair after the straightening and help to improve the general state of health of your hair; • hair relaxing conditioners – they moisturize the hair and make the safety barrier around each hair to prevent their brittleness and fragility. The relaxing process usually consists of the following steps. All of them are crucial and should be done in salon by professional stylists only. Step #1: Apply the relaxer A protective petroleum cream may or may not be applied as protection to the scalp and previously relaxed or damaged hair. A chemical hair relaxing formula is applied to soften, loosen and relax the natural curls. The hair should be completely dry before the relaxing process is started. A stylist applies some relaxer on separate locks and straightens it gently with hands or other flat device. The hair should not be combed as the relaxer influences the natural elasticity of the hair and it can be pulled twice its usual length. Relaxers are usually left on hair for 5-8 min or longer if required. As relaxers influence the core of each hair, the longer you leave the chemical formula on hair the straighter the hair will be. But the risk of damaging your hair will also be higher. Step #2: Rinse and neutralize After the hair has been processed for the appropriate time limits, the chemicals are completely rinsed from the hair with warm water. The water should not be hot or cold, but warm only to avoid temperature shock for your hair. Then a neutralizing formula is applied to the hair. The neutralizer is also known as a stabilizer or fixative. The neutralization process oxidizes hair and restores its pH because a high pH, as a result of the relaxing, can cause the hair to swell and break. You need to be very careful when applying neutralizer, because it not only fixates the results of the hair relaxing process, but some of the neutralizers are actually reorganizing hair cross-bonds to make hair straight. Step#3: Condition Depending on the condition of the hair to be relaxed, the conditioner may be applied before the relaxing formula, after or sometimes it may even be applied both before and after. Two types of conditions are available: cream conditioners and the protein or liquid conditioners. If you have extremely curly hair, or your hair is damaged by constant heat appliances and other chemicals, you may need to apply conditioner before the relaxing process. And in case of the serious hair damage from the previous hair straightening procedures it is advisable not to make chemical straightening until the hair is at least partially recovered. In other cases it is useful to apply conditioner before the relaxing process to protect over-processed or fragile hair. The conditioner may also be applied after the straightening process to avoid risk of hair becoming brittle and dry. Heat Straightening Heat straightening is usually known as temporary straightening because it needs to be applied on permanent basis at regular intervals. However, at the same time it is less harmful comparing with the chemical straightening. There are many different tools and flat irons for heat straightening. The technologies applied in those irons are also numerable. There are iron straighteners, jade straighteners, sapphire straighteners, ceramic straighteners, tourmaline straighteners, and ceramic tourmaline straighteners. Though all of the listed devices are used to straighten hair, each of them has different characteristics. Though the history of the flat irons begins with the iron straighteners, now the latest word is ceramic/tourmaline straightener and Sedu hair straightener as the best in the range. Technologies applied in ceramic/tourmaline hair straighteners are called tourmaline ionizing and ceramic moisturizing. Tourmaline that is included in Sedu hair iron, release ions when heated and that leads to the hair ionizing that helps to recover smoothness and silkiness of your hair. Ceramic, which the plates are made of, provides natural moisture for your hair and leaves it more shiny and healthy than after using other straighteners. However, without any regard to the device you use for straightening the process is made in the following steps: Step #1: Shampoo, condition and dry Heat straightening requires two preparatory steps such as washing and drying. The process of hair washing is essential in heat straightening because it eliminates dirt, dust and natural grease, which otherwise may lead to the so-called “backed” effect, when both hair iron and hair are damaged. After you’ve washed your hair, you need to dry it. You may left your hair to air dry or make a quick blow drying. To avoid unnecessary damage, we recommend using the coolest set for blow drying. The hair should be completely dry before the straightening, because damp or wet hair may suffer serious damage during the process. Step #2: Apply hair iron to straighten the hair Comb your hair and divide it on separate small sections. Insert a section between the plates of the hair iron and gently squeeze the plates closed. Slowly move straightener from the roots of the hair to the tips. Follow the hair iron with the fine tooth comb. Repeat the process for each section of your hair. It is very important not to leave the straightener on one spot of the hair for long, or you may burn your hair. Avoid touching your hair immediately after straightening, because it will be extremely hot. Step #3: Style the hair Once you’ve straighten the hair you may create any hair style you want, using hair styling products. Moreover, though real Sedu hairstyles are usually regarded as pin straight hair that is worn lose, but any variations of the classic Sedu hairstyles are accepted and favoured by both common people and celebrities. There are short, medium, and long Sedu hair styles, prom and casual Sedu hairstyles, and anything you consider suitable for you. To choose the hairstyle just think of any person, either your friend, or celebrity, whose hairstyle you like, and make the same hairstyle. So, after you have chosen the way to straighten your hair and the hairstyle you would like to have, everything you need to do is repeat the steps, listed above, and congratulate yourself with the absolute victory over your hair. Now it is tamed, controllable, smooth, and straight, and you can make your own Sedu hairstyle at last. |