Face Lift Rhytidectomy Facelift The Booming Medical Tourism Industry In The Philippinesinclude "../topad.php" ?> |
![]() include "../../links.php" ?> Health Info Health Info: Beauty Extra Firming Facial Mask Gentle Firms Refines And Tightens Skins Exposing The Truth About Tanning And The Worlds Most Common Cancer Fall Asleep Easier Sleep Deeper And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear Fighting The Visible Signs Of Aging include "../leftad.php" ?> | FaceLift Ptosis, wrinkling or fine lines of the face is largely the result of aging, massive weight lost, actinic damage or genetic disorder acting singly or in combination with one another. The aged look of the face results from gradual reduction of tissue volume. include "../middlead.php" ?> To better analyze the face and changes that it sustained through time this is divided in 3 regions. The forehead is observe for dynamic and static transverse lines, ptosis of the brow and vertical glabellar lines between the brow. The mid face is noted for hallowing of the cheek, deep nasojugal, nasolabial and labiomental furrow, hooding of the upper eye lid skin and lower eyelid bags. While poor jaw line definition accompanied by laxity of the neck skin with vertical lines is often seen at the lower 3rd of the face. This significant changes can be address by Rhytidectomy or commonly known as Facelift lift. There are 2 general types of face lift procedure. This are the open or surgical face lift and non surgical face lift which is also know as thread lift. Both the non-surgical and surgical face lift reduces the sagging skin, soften the deep nasolabial folds, smoothen the sagging skin of the neck and improve the definition of the jaw line. And thus restoring a youthful appearance. Face lift procedure addresses only sagging and atrophic facial tissues. It has no effect on the quality of facial skin. And consequently this is not a treatment for wrinkles and irregular pigmentation which can be address by resurfacing procedure. This rejuvenation or restoration is done by re-suspending the soft tissue of the face with placation sutures and removing the excess, inelastic skin of the face. The resulting scar is oriented along the natural line of the face and neck making it very inconspicuous. This is concealed within the hairline and at the back of the ears. Majority of the patient that seek consult for facial rejuvenation often have simultaneous concern with the appearance of their eye lids. Most would complain of hooding and fullness of the upper eye lid skin with baggy lower eye lids. This can be deal with upper and lower blepharoplasty. Its very common that patient consulting for face lift procedure will also need a blephraoplasty surgery and vise versa. The result of both procedure are very complementary and maximize each other. I often perform this as out patient procedure in our fully equip ambulatory surgical facility or patient may be admitted for a day or two if they prefer to have more comfort and relaxation immediately after the surgery. Weather the procedure will be performed as an Out-Patient or as a Hospital procedure, preoperative laboratory and medical clearance is required. This is done a day before the surgery at our clinic. The procedure will last for 3 to 4 hours under deep sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. This can be performed simultaneously with other cosmetic procedure for patient with good physical health. Patients are required to wear tight dressing or compression garment for 1 to 2 week, and this will help the skin redrape to the muscle of the face, assist in controlling swelling and also prevent fluid to accumulation under the skin. There will be some swelling and mild bruising of the face that will last for several days to weeks. Sutures are usually removed 7 days after the surgery. Any patient planning to have this procedure will require 10 to 14 days for the initial consultation, laboratory, medical clearance, surgery; follow up, suture removal and early recuperation. After this patient is safe to travel since wounds are healed. Other related article; Affordable Face Lift in the Philippines Minimally Invasive Face Lift ; Thread Lift For more information on how to select the right surgeon for the procedure you want and safety tips in planning a cosmetic procedure you may visit www.philippinecosmetic.com |